
According to New York City High School Scope and Sequence Core Curriculum, “The New York City Department of Education strives to prepare all students to live rich, literate lives and to be active, informed citizens. In order to do so, students need access to rigorous, comprehensive, and engaging English Language Arts curricula. Students should have the opportunity to read a variety of texts, make informed judgments that are grounded in evidence and communicate their thinking through oral, written, and artistic expressions.”  To achieve this goal, this course contains units of study that have been divided into “Collections,” guided by essential questions.

Students are expected to:

  • Complete assignments on time.
  • Read and write daily.
  • Strive to improve my skills in researching, reading, writing, speaking, listening, and applying conventions for Standard English grammar and mechanics.
  • Seek extra help outside of class time when needed, required, or desired by choice in order to develop and improve my skills.
  • Strive for excellence through self-discipline, hard work, initiative, independence, preparedness, and originality.

**WARNING: 0% for plagiarized, shared, or copied work; 100% originality and effort required at all times!

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